Recognize 5 Tips to Save to Bromo That You Must Know

Are there any saving tips to Bromo? Generally, Mount Bromo is an area that is most famous today. In fact, if you just say the word Bromo to colleagues or people closest to you, surely they will know the Bromo mountain tour.

You should know that Mount Bromo is one of the most pleasant vacation spots to visit. However, most people are just from the holidays and do not know the state of the contents of their wallets.

Well, for those of you who want to go on vacation there without having to pay a large fee while in Bromo, then try to follow some saving tips to Bromo, such as the following discussion.

1. Choose the most comfortable accommodation

If you want a vacation to Bromo to be more frugal, then don't forget to follow the most economical tips to Bromo. Yes, where you are obliged to choose accommodation that feels comfortable with you. If we take into account the costs that must be incurred by you if you want to go there, then you will be charged with a fee of Rp. 500,000, even more than that.

It is known that the entrance ticket to Mount Bromo will be charged at a fee of Rp. 35,000 for one person. As for the cost of parking your vehicle will usually reach a price of Rp. 5,000 for one vehicle. Please note that the price is only for one motorcycle. This means that the price of other vehicles in the form of a car, and others have a price that is also determined by them.

In choosing a comfortable vehicle, then you must pay attention that the vehicle to be used by you is guaranteed to be safe and comfortable when traveling there. Therefore, before leaving the house, you try to check important things on your vehicle, for example the tire, gasoline and so forth.

2. Prepare for consumption from home

Did you know that bringing food from being one of the best saving tips to Bromo and must be done by you. Because, this will also make you easier and not experience the hassle to find a place to eat if you are already at your destination.

According to information found, the portion of food in the Bromo Mountain area is quite expensive. A portion of food can reach at least Rp. 25,000, where it contains rice with vegetables and side dishes, which are eggs. Meanwhile, for one cup of instant noodles the price reaches Rp. 15,000 without side dishes. Of course this is enough to drain the contents of our wallet.

Expensive is not it? Therefore, you can prepare food or consumption from home before you reach Mount Bromo. Do not forget to also bring medicines if your body is in a state that is less fit.

3. Don't drink too often

Why don't we have to drink water often? Isn't drinking water our body's need? So, here are some tips for saving to Bromo, one of which you have to maintain or don't drink too often. Given the Brormo mountain range is very cold so this will make you constantly to find a toilet.

In general, the toilet that is there once you enter must be paid for by you. That way, this will make your vacation while in Bromo more extravagant. The price for using a toilet on one climb can reach Rp. 5,000 And, the temperature of the water there is also very cold and can make our hands look wrinkled.

It is different from the price of the toilet in Luatan Pasir, where once you enter, you only spend Rp. 2,000 However, often the water that is there will quickly run out, given the use of more toilets.

4. No Need To Buy Souvenirs

Want to save while in Bromo? Then try to follow one of the economical tips to Bromo with you not buying goods or souvenirs while you are there. Actually, what makes people want to vacation there is besides the beautiful scenery, where Bromo has a gift in the form of eternal flowers.

Souvenirs there are shaped like dolls and bouquets that will be assembled by traders. The traders try to show that their merchandise is an interesting souvenir and will be added with attractive colors as well.

It is said that this plant is used as a form of eternal love, and this is usually referred to as the Everlasting Flower. However, it will be better for you to continue to save money so that you will not feel loss if you have to linger in the Bromo area.

5. Walk or Rent a Horse

For the most efficient saving tips to Bromo, you can choose whether you want to walk or rent a horse to walk on Whispering Sand. But, if you have more money, it will be more fun to rent a horse. Of course this will also eliminate our sense of exhaustion when walking on a sea of sand.

Well, as a saving tips to Bromo you can just walk. In this case, you must pay a fee of Rp. 100,000 to Rp. 150,000 once rented. However, often for rentals like this, the price will change if you bargain first. So, try to offer a price first before you use the services of horse riding.

Tips on Saving to Bromo with Kayana Tour

That's the saving tips to Bromo, it is very important to follow each of the tips described above, especially if you want to make the contents of your wallet more efficient. It will be more efficient also you use the services of Kayana Tour for your holiday needs in Bromo.

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